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The Sacred Sound Current
Community Kirtan & Chanting Benefits
with Jessica Rose, Diane Sonntag & friends
Sunday, September 1, October13 & November 3, 2019
from 7pm - 8:30pm
Let us raise our voices as community. Join mother and daughter Diane Sonntag, Jessica Rose and friends for a devotional evening immersed in the sacred sound.
September kirtan is a benefit for Together Rising in support of their continued efforts to organize resources and support for those impacted by family separation, a heartbreaking act currently happening in the heart of our country and at the border. WE RAISE OUR VOICES IN LOVE AND SAY ENOUGH, there is another way.
Suggested donation: $15-25 or more for Together Rising (no one turned away for lack of funds)
Location: Woodard Lane Cohousing
1620 Woodard Ave, West Olympia
Parking: Please carpool if possible and park on Woodard Lane or in the co-housing lot in non-covered spots.
We will gather in the common house (purple building).
Chairs and some floor seating provided.
"Not only does sound effect the nervous system; the nervous system can be tumed like a musical instrument". Dr. John Beaulieu
"Each atom is constantly singing a song, and each moment this song creates dense or fine forms of greater or lesser materiality." Tibetan Buddhist scholar, Lama Govinda
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