"I have come to inhabit, recognize, acknowledge, appreciate and celebrate the light and love that I am."
"These teachings have touched inspired, moved myself as a whole--and it has touched all of me--parent, daughter, human, etc."
"I feel like each class, and the relationship with the land and spirit through and between classes, was a constant attunement into braver, move loved, more living, more honest, sweeter, sillier, more creative and vital way of being alive. I'm aware that I'm not even aware of how much of a gift it really was, or how it is transforming me still."
The Beloved Teachings
with Jessica Rose, Kim Lincoln, Jennifer Nevy & Heather Taylor
October 2018 through September 2019
At Beloved Sanctuary in Olympia, WA
A Year Long Immersion

"I enjoyed how welcome I was to be my authentic, intuitive self, and to deepen that and be accountable with people who could reflect on a similar experience from their own perspective."
I experienced "a greater sense of me and my gifts and a knowing of how to love myself."
"Being a part of a loving supportive group is so enlivening and encouraging of my expansion."
"I feel that each month's teachings exceeded my expectations. The love that I gained for myself and the flow of life is amazing."
This is a transformational course for those drawn to deepen sacred practice and relationship with Self, life, community and beyond. As we begin to embody frequencies of the BELOVED, we become a living transmission inviting us into the heart of the One.
This is a life altering course, with you as the altar, as we bridge the seen and unseen; finite and infinite; conscious and unconscious. Together we will grow perceptual and navigational skills, further deepening trust in Self and life.
Participants will be actively engaged in depth work through guided practice in harmony with the Beloved within and without. Course content is inspired in collaboration with the animated presence of the land.
To receive the fullest experience available to you, commitment to this course requires courage, active presence, surrender to the mystery, embracing your vulnerability, going beyond what has been known and an engaged readiness to transform outdated structures, identities and patterns.
The Be Loved Teachings include:
A welcoming orientation meal with all teachers - Friday, October 5 from 4-7
12 Saturday day long courses, held the 1st Saturday of each month from 10-6 (3 classes with each instructor)
A virtual platform with offerings of reflection and renewal
Optional individual time to walk the land, accompanied by Heather or in reflection
A celebration and completion meal with all instructors.
A non-refundable registration deposit of $111 to reserve your space.
Tuition exchange*
Option A: sliding scale of $2280 - 2700 paid in full at first class
Option B: sliding scale of $190 - $225/ month for 12 months
The first and last months tuition are due by October 6th and are non-refundable.
7 days prior to a given class, the tuition for that month becomes non-refundable.
The BeLoved Journey